@techreport{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000698, author = {嶋本, 隆光 and Shimamoto, Takamitsu}, month = {}, note = {As a Motahhari's (Iranian religious scholar and philosopher, 1920-1979) motivation to edit Dāstān-e Rāstān (The Stories of the Righteous), we can assume that Motahhari, like W. James, thought it necessary to avoid serious misunderstanding in dealing with religio-ethical judgments made by people because they are a highly subjective matter. Although Motahhari and James did not have any direct contact with each other (James was born in 1842 and died in 1910, 10 years prior to the birth of Motahhari), the former apparently read the latter's book in translation. Whether Motahhari had been directly influenced by James or not, their approach looks the same in that both of them supply raw materials (mainly the records left by the past religious geniuses) concerning religion or ethics for readers with a view to entrusting the final judgement in the hands of the readers. In this paper, it is shown that Motahhari resorted to this method James adopted in his The Varieties of Religious Experience so that Persian readers can pass their own judgement through reading the materials which have not been altered by the author's arbitrary intention. This kind of method could be useful in establishing each reader's positive attitude towards his or her religio-ethical belief., Article, application/pdf}, title = {Mortaza Motahhari and William James : the background to the compilation of The stories of the righteous (Dāstān-e Rāstān)}, year = {2017}, yomi = {シマモト, タカミツ} }