@techreport{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000594, author = {Katsumata, Etsuko}, month = {}, note = {This paper analyzes examples of the terms rooted in the word “TRGM" in rabbinic writing from the periods of Tannaim and Amoraim and clarifies the changing nuances of TRGM. The analysis of about 350 examples shows changes in the usage of the terms from Tannaitic materials to Amoraic materials, and more changes from Palestinian materials to Babylonian materials among the Amoraic materials. Most of the examples from the Tannaitic period are related to the public reading of the Hebrew Bible at synagogues. As for the Amoraic period, there are a significant number of examples of formulas quoted from Aramaic translations of the Bible, and derivatives of TRGM are found to be used for more common interpretation activities. In the Babylonian materials, the word “TRGM" was used to describe a rabbi's interpretation activity. On the contrary, the Palestinian materials imply a certain kind of scorn for TRGM, which was considered separate from a rabbi's orthodox interpretation activity, expressed by other verbs such as PTḤ (“to open, start") and PTR (“to interpret"). This analysis of TRGM usages provides evidence of a skeptical attitude by the rabbis in Palestine toward TRGM., Article, application/pdf}, title = {The nuances of TRGM ("to translate") in the rabbinic writings}, year = {2011} }