@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029518, author = {遠藤, 敏幸 and Endo, Toshiyuki}, issue = {6}, journal = {同志社商学, Doshisha Shogaku (The Doshisha Business Review)}, month = {Mar}, note = {韓国経済は財閥と呼ばれる大規模企業集団が大きな役割を担っている。韓国では、政府が財閥に対する施策がどのようにおこなわれるかは非常に重要なことになるが、その変遷は複雑で理解が難しい。複雑に展開されてきた大規模企業集団施策を整理し、概観した。, The big business groups called Chaebols play a major role in the South Korean economy. In South Korea, the way in which the government implements its policies toward the Chaebols is of great importance, but the evolution of these policies is complex and difficult to understand. This paper provides an overview of the complex changes of policies toward the big business groups., 研究ノート(Note), application/pdf}, pages = {931--941}, title = {韓国の大規模企業集団施策の概観}, volume = {74}, year = {2023}, yomi = {エンドウ, トシユキ} }