@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029499, author = {河崎, 吉紀 and Kawasaki, Yoshinori}, issue = {143}, journal = {評論・社会科学, Hyoron Shakaikagaku (Social Science Review)}, month = {Dec}, note = {本稿は,第二次憲政擁護運動における衆議院議員の政治活動を明らかにするものである。事例として,憲政会所属の関和知を取り上げる。1923年,山本権兵衛内閣が成立したとき,政策が近いにもかかわらず,関和知は超然内閣を理由に反対した。また,野党で合同の動きが生じたとき,彼はそれに賛成した。新党は成立しなかったが,虎ノ門事件によって山本内閣は退陣し,続く清浦奎吾内閣に対し,憲政会,政友会,革新倶楽部は野党となって反対する。ここでも,政策は近いにもかかわらず,超然内閣が反対の理由となった。関和知は一貫して超然内閣に反対し,国民の選挙で選ばれた多数党によって政府が運営されるシステムに固執した。, This article clarifies the political activities of members of the House of Representatives for the Second Campaign for Defending Constitutionalism in 1924, using politician SEKI Wachi as an example. In 1923, when the second YAMAMOTO Gonbei cabinet was established, SEKI Wachi opposed it on the grounds of a non-parliamentary cabinet, even though the policies were similar. Conversely, he favored the merger of the opposition parties to produce a prime minister from the majority party supported by the people. Although the new party was not formed, the Toranomon Incident led to the resignation of the YAMAMOTO cabinet, then the Constitutional Association (Kenseikai), the Association of Friends of the Constitutional Government (Seiyukai), and the Reform Club (Kakushin Club) joined together to oppose the incoming government of KIYOURA Keigo. Again, even though the policies were similar, the reason for opposition was that it was a non-parliamentary cabinet. Thus, SEKI Wachi consistently opposed a nonparliamentary cabinet and adhered to a system in which the government was run by a majority party elected by the people., 論文(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {1--21}, title = {第二次憲政擁護運動と国民の政治参加 : 憲政会の闘将・関和知の最期}, year = {2022}, yomi = {カワサキ, ヨシノリ} }