@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029368, author = {吉田, 亮 and Yoshida, Ryo}, issue = {71}, journal = {キリスト教社会問題研究, The Study of Christianity and Social Problems}, month = {Dec}, note = {本発表では、全く違った戦時下を経験した両プロテスタントが第二次大戦後の日本伝道再開にあたり、相互に自身の利害をネゴシエートしながら、どのように各自の目的を遂行したのか、その過程で日本側は「自主性」を防衛できたのかどうかを論じる。事例として、外国伝道会議による日本基督教団との伝道再開を巡る折衝について、特に両派が教団の「自主性」をキーワードに論じる。, This article demonstrates how both American and Japanese Protestants negotiated their own interests, pursued their goals, and defended the "autonomy and independence" of Japanese Protestants for the purpose of starting post-WWII Christian missionary work in Japan. This paper particularly examines the negotiations regarding post-war commencement of Christian work between the Foreign Missions Conference in North America and the United Church of Christ in Japan (Kyodan), focusing in the "autonomy and independence" of the Kyodan, and worked for this purpose., 論説(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {1--36}, title = {北米外国伝道会議と日本基督教団の協力関係、1945~1947年 : 「自主性」をめぐって}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ヨシダ, リョウ} }