@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00029248, author = {寺井, 基博 and Terai, Motohiro}, issue = {142}, journal = {評論・社会科学, Hyoron Shakaikagaku (Social Science Review)}, month = {Sep}, note = {長時間労働の軽減や非典型労働者の処遇改善,生産性の向上や開発力の強化など,労使双方の課題への取り組みとして,多くの企業がメンバーシップ型雇用からジョブ型雇用への移行を進めている。しかし,欧米諸国のジョブ型雇用は査定制度が機能しないという特徴をもつことから,企業は日本の雇用実態に適した独自のジョブ型雇用を模索している。本稿では,これを「日本的ジョブ型雇用」と呼んで,その特徴と方向性について検討した。 まず,ジョブ型雇用とメンバーシップ型雇用とを区別する分類軸として,「賃金や職務の事前特定の有無」,「賃金支払い-《人》か《仕事》か」,「組織構成-《人》と《ジョブ》か」という3つの要素があることを明らかにした。これら3つの要素を分類軸として雇用形態を類型化し,「日本的ジョブ型雇用」の方向性を検討した。 日本企業では,目標必達の組織規範によって「やり遂げる」ことがすべての正社員に求められている。労働契約,ときには法規制を超えて組織規範のエンフォースメントが作用する。これが日本の労働問題の核心である。職務や勤務地を特定するだけでは,労働者が追加業務を受け入れなければならない状況は変わらないので,「やり遂げる」のエンフォースメントを抑制することはできない。それよりも,「やり遂げる」ことに時間制限を設けた方が実効的である。したがって,職務や勤務地よりも労働時間を限定することが,「日本的ジョブ型雇用」の進むべき道となる。, Many major corporations promote "job-based employment" (specified employment) shifting from "membership-type employment" (general employment) in order to resolve the issues between labour and management such as improvement of working conditions for irregular employment, reduction of long working hours, improvement of productivity and enforcement of product and technological development. However, Japanese corporations seek their own "job-based employment" systems appropriate for the actual conditions of the employment, in stead of applying the specified employment system in western countries which may not function with the Japanese assessment system. This thesis examines these "Japanese versions of job-based employment" systems and analyzes their peculiarities and future trends. Firstly, as classification axes to distinguish the job-focused employment from the membershiptype employment, the following three questions are analyzed: 1. Are the salary and the job determined prior to the employment? 2. Which one is the determent for the salary, the job or the individual employee? 3. What are the components of organization structure, individuals or jobs? It classifies employment status to analyze these questions and predicts the future trends of "Japanese versions of job-based employment." Japanese corporations expect all the regular employees to achieve an objective by the organizational norms. The organizational norms have more influence on employees than labour contracts, even legal regulations in some cases. That is the true problem of Japanese labour systems. Specification of the job and the workplace are not enough to change the situation because employees are expected to accept additional tasks and spend extra working hours to achieve the objective. It is more practical to impose time restrictions on "achieving an objective." Therefore, rather than specification of the job and the workplace, time restriction is the key to the "Japanese version of job-based employment.", 論文(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {21--37}, title = {日本的ジョブ型雇用の行方}, year = {2022}, yomi = {テライ, モトヒロ} }