@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028933, author = {川口, 正隆 and Kawaguchi, Masataka and 野口, 剛 and Noguchi, Tsuyoshi and 田中, 和人 and Tanaka, Kazuto and 渡辺, 公貴 and Watanabe, Kimitaka}, issue = {1}, journal = {同志社大学ハリス理化学研究報告, The Harris science review of Doshisha University}, month = {Apr}, note = {従来,自動車の車体の構成部材の殆どは,金属で作られていた.しかし,金属に代わり重量やコスト面、安全性、形状自由度などで優れたプラスチックの使用が増加しているが,その疲労寿命を予測する方法はまだ確立されていない.そこで,本研究では,樹脂素材のS-N線図を作成し,それを使用して樹脂構造体の疲労評価を行った結果,実際の疲労試験結果と近い疲労寿命を予測することができた., In the past, most of the body components for cars were made of metal; however, in recent years, the usage of resin is increasing. The reason being resin is superior in weight, production cost, material cost, safety, durability, and shape freedom compared to metal, but a method to estimate the fatigue life of resin structure has not been established. So in this study, S-N curve of resin specimen was made, and using it, fatigue life of resin structures were predicted. As a result, predicted fatigue lives show fairly good agreement with measured lives on fatigue test., application/pdf}, pages = {35--44}, title = {樹脂構造体の疲労強度評価に関する研究}, volume = {63}, year = {2022}, yomi = {カワグチ, マサタカ and ノグチ, ツヨシ and タナカ, カズト and ワタナベ, キミタカ} }