@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028915, author = {和田, 充弘 and Wada, Mitsuhiro}, issue = {11}, journal = {同志社大学教職課程年報, The annual bulletin of the Teacher-Training Course at Doshisha University}, month = {Feb}, note = {大学の教職課程における道徳科の指導法の講義において、学習指導要領の読解、学習指導案の作成、読み物教材の解釈、模擬授業へと展開してゆくに従い、学生達の道徳的価値についての理解は徐々に精度を高めていった。当初は、たとえば親切、思いやり、友情、信頼といった、対人関係の道徳への平明な好感にとどまっていたが、それはより複雑で構造的な理解へと転化していった。学生達の関心は、規範意識や生命の尊さといった、より根底的な事柄への理解にも及んでいった。そしてこのような転化のひとつの契機としては、死や弱さといった、否定的な要素への着眼が見られた。教職課程における実践的なトレーニングの多くは文系学部で培われたテキスト解釈の能力との相乗効果に支えられ、学生達は道徳についての個人的な見解を超越させ、内面的な資質を向上させることができたのではないか。, Understanding the moral value of students as they develop into reading comprehension of the curriculum guidelines, interpretation of reading materials, and mock lessons in the lectures on moral teaching methods in the university's teaching course, gradually improved the accuracy. Initially, it remained a plain favor for interpersonal morals, such as kindness, compassion, friendship, and trust, but it turned into a more complex and structural understanding. Students' interests also extended to understanding more fundamental things such as normative awareness and the preciousness of life. Moreover, one of the triggers for such conversion was the focus on negative factors such as death and weakness. Backed by synergies between training in the teaching profession and much of the text-interpreting abilities cultivated in the humanities or social sciences, students transcend their personal views on morality and improve their inner qualities., 実践論文(Practice-Based Article), application/pdf}, pages = {93--107}, title = {道徳科の「内容項目」理解についての一考察 : 教職科目「道徳教育の理論と実践」の担当を踏まえて}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ワダ, ミツヒロ} }