@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028913, author = {柳澤, 彰紀 and Yanagisawa, Akinori and 沖田, 悟傳 and Okita, Noritsugu}, issue = {11}, journal = {同志社大学教職課程年報, The annual bulletin of the Teacher-Training Course at Doshisha University}, month = {Feb}, note = {学習指導要領が改訂され、小学校、中学校、高等学校のいずれにおいても、学校段階等間の接続に関わる項目が新設された。学校経営において、いかに円滑な接続を図っていくかが問われている。この論文では、学習指導要領などの記述から、円滑な接続の視点として次の①~④の4点を抽出した。 視点① 「目指す子ども像」を共有する 視点② カリキュラムをつなぐ 視点③ 人と人とをつなぐ(大人どうしをつなぐ、子どもどうしをつなぐ) 視点④ 子どもの姿をつなぐ(子どもの学びの成果を共有する) このうち、視点②から視点④は、幼児期の教育と小学校教育の円滑な接続の在り方を考察した結果、導き出したものである。視点①から視点④は、個別に切り離して対応するものではなく、一体としてとらえて学校経営に反映させていくものである。今後の課題は、子どもの発達や学びが連続しているという認識に立ちながら学校経営を進めていくことにある。また、学校の中だけでなく、学校の外に対しても開かれた関係づくりとなる学校経営を行うことである。, With revisions to the Courses of Study, items related to connections between school stages were newly established in elementary schools, junior high schools, and senior high schools. However, this raises the question of how to achieve smooth connections in school management. In this paper, the following four points, (1) through (4), were extracted from the descriptions contained within the Courses of Study and other documents as different viewpoints for smooth connections. (1) Sharing an ideal vision for children (2) Connecting curricula (3) Connecting people (connect adults to adults and children to children) (4) Connecting how children are seen Among these points, (2) through (4) were derived from the results of considering different approaches to achieve smooth connections between early childhood education and elementary school education. Points (1) through (4) are not to be separated and handled individually, but shall be taken as a whole and reflected in school management. One of the challenges ahead of us lies in promoting of school management with the understanding that the development and learning of children are successive. It will also be a challenge to conduct school management that creates open relationships not only within the school but outside the school as well., 実践論文(Practice-Based Article), application/pdf}, pages = {63--76}, title = {学校段階等間の接続の視点を生かす学校経営の在り方}, year = {2022}, yomi = {ヤナギサワ, アキノリ and オキタ, ノリツグ} }