@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028833, author = {竹内, 幸絵 and Takeuchi, Yukie}, issue = {140}, journal = {評論・社会科学, Hyoron Shakaikagaku (Social Science Review)}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿の目的は,黎明期の「フィルムによる広告」の実態を明らかにし,それへの当時の社会認識とその後の広告への接合について考証することにある。最初の広告の「上映」は明治24(1891)年の「廣告幻燈会」だった。その後明治42(1909)年に特設会場での無料イベントにおいて初めて「動く広告」が上映された。この際の広告は戦後のPR広告と近い性質を持っていた。観客に広告を広告として視聴する態度がまだ十分に育っていなかったため,上質な演目に広告を埋め込む「広告映画番組」であることが求められたからである。一方映画館においては昭和初期に,番組内で商品を扱う「タイアップ広告」映画が上映されたが長くは続かなかった。業界関係者の「動く広告」への期待は大きく活発に議論がされ,昭和初期には実験的な短編広告動画も制作された。特設会場での「広告映画番組」の上映は昭和初期まで長期間継続した。これは昭和14(1939)年に施行された映画法が定めた「文化映画」という新たな属性に「広告映画番組」がニュース映画などと一体的に包摂されていく土壌となった。, The purpose of this paper is to clarify the actual situation of "advertising with film" in Japan from the Meiji era up to 1938 and to examine the social perception of "advertising with film" at that time and its connection to later advertising. The first "film advertisement" was the phantom light advertisement. Later, in 1909, the first moving advertisement was shown in a free event at a special venue and played a role in raising funds for the event. This was a program in which some of the good performances were advertisements, because audiences were not yet accustomed to watching advertisements. These were similar in nature to postwar public relations advertisements and were difficult to distinguish from regular programs. Around 1930, movie theaters began airing "tie-up advertising" films that featured products in paid programs. However, this practice was not welcomed by audiences and did not last long. People in the film industry enthusiastically discussed advertising films. In the 1930s, short experimental motion picture advertisements were also produced. The Film Act of 1939 created a new classification of films called "cultural films." Earlier "advertising with film" were categorized under "cultural films.", 論文(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {55--78}, title = {動く広告の起源 : 廣告幻燈からタイアップ廣告まで明治から昭和戦前期のフィルムによる広告}, year = {2022}, yomi = {タケウチ, ユキエ} }