@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028822, author = {川満, 直樹 and Kawamitsu, Naoki}, issue = {6}, journal = {同志社商学, Doshisha Shogaku (The Doshisha Business Review)}, month = {Mar}, note = {本論文の目的は、分離独立当初にパキスタンへ移住してきたムハージルのムスリム商人たちが、パキスタンでどのようにして財閥化したかのを明らかにすることである。パキスタンの初期経済を支えたのは、ムハージルのムスリム商人たちであった。その後、彼らはパキスタンで多分野にわたりビジネスを展開し、同国の経済発展に貢献するとともに財閥化していった。本論文では、彼ら商人たちがパキスタンで財閥化していった要因をパキスタン社会に注目し、地域的な要因と人脈的な要因から考察する。, This study discusses the reasons why Muhajir Muslim merchants, who emigrated to Pakistan from British India or other countries or regions around the time of the independence of India and Pakistan in 1947, were able to form business groups in Pakistan. In this study, business groups are defined as "a legal group of several independent companies operating in different markets through various formal and informal relationships." In developing countries business groups are often the driving force of the economy. How are business groups formed? When intermediary institutions are dysfunctional, for example in developing markets, business groups can perform some of the functions that more mature institutions might. Further, it is conceivable that monopolistic activities will be permitted in some aspects of the market, in support of government development policies. In this study, we focus on Pakistani society as another factor, from the perspective of "regional" and "personal" connections., 石田信博教授定年退職記念号(Special issue in commemoration of Prof. Nobuhiro Ishida's retirement), application/pdf}, pages = {1423--1441}, title = {Business groups in Pakistan : why did Muslim merchants who migrated to Pakistan form business groups?}, volume = {73}, year = {2022}, yomi = {カワミツ, ナオキ} }