@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028682, author = {Hayashi, Yoko and 林, 葉子}, issue = {70}, journal = {キリスト教社会問題研究, The Study of Christianity and Social Problems}, month = {Dec}, note = {本稿では、同志社大学人文科学研究所の小澤三郎旧蔵史料に含まれている自由廃業運動史史料の中から、一連の自由廃業訴訟の中でも最も重要な位置を占める娼妓・大熊きんの前借金をめぐる貸金請求事件についての史料を紹介し、当該事件の社会的背景と意義について解説した。大熊とその自由廃業を支援する者たちが、楼主に対し、前借金制度は人身売買でありその返還請求が不法であることをどのように示そうとしたのかを明らかにした。, This article is the second installment of a series which introduce primary sources on the history of the free cessation (Jiyu Haigyo) movement in Saburo Ozawa's Collection in the Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, Doshisha University. In this article, I introduce historical materials of Kin Okuma's court cases, which were the most important trials on the duty of settlement of debts of licensed prostitutes, and I explain about social background and significance of these trials. I make it clear how Okuma and her supporters tried to present the system of licensed prostitution was virtual slavery which was maintained by unjust exploitation by brothel owners., 資料(Material), application/pdf}, pages = {149--187}, title = {小澤三郎編U.G.マーフィー(モルフィ)関連自由廃業運動史史料(2) : 娼妓・大熊きんの前借金をめぐる貸金請求事件}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ハヤシ, ヨウコ} }