@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028372, author = {河崎, 吉紀 and Kawasaki, Yoshinori}, issue = {137}, journal = {評論・社会科学, Hyoron Shakaikagaku (Social Science Review)}, month = {May}, note = {軍閥であると弾劾すれば済む寺内正毅内閣に対し,政党内閣と歓迎された原敬内閣に対抗する憲政会の立場は,いかにして打ち出されるのか。本稿の目的は,1916年から1918年にかけて,野党議員がどのように時の政権を批判したのかを明らかにすることにある。例として千葉県選出議員の関和知を取り上げる。寺内内閣を「閥族打破」で批判した彼は,続く原内閣では,高等教育の拡充という,一部の階級にのみ恩恵をもたらす地方利権に争点を定めた。政友会が主張する地理的均霑性というメリットに対し,社会的不平等の問題を突きつけ,関和知は初等中等教育の充実を政策として掲げた。それは,普通選挙を見すえた国民教育への布石でもあった。, The Japanese political party, the Constitutional Association (Kenseikai) , criticised the Terauchi Masatake Cabinet as nothing more than a military clique. However, when the Hara Takashi Cabinet was established as a party cabinet, the Kenseikai sought new controversial issues as an opposition party. The purpose of this paper is to clarify the political activities of opposition lawmakers from 1916 to 1918 in Japan through an examination of Seki Kazutomo, a member of the Diet from Chiba Prefecture. He criticised the Terauchi Cabinet under the political slogan "destroy the clique," then in the following Hara Cabinet, he opposed their policy of expanding higher education as being a local concession that benefited only the upper classes. Contrariwise, Seki advocated a policy of improving elementary and secondary education, including the idea of national education, to prepare for universal suffrage in which all classes participate., 論文(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {85--117}, title = {閥族打破から国民教育へ : 憲政会所属議員・関和知の不安}, year = {2021}, yomi = {カワサキ, ヨシノリ} }