@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028229, author = {Fukuda, Tomoko and 福田, 智子 and 松本, 尋弥 and Matsumoto, Hiroya and 小原, 菜々子 and Ohara, Nanako and 関, あかり and Seki, Akari and 薛, 堰之 and Xue, Yanzhi}, issue = {1-2}, journal = {文化情報学, Journal of culture and information science}, month = {Mar}, note = {『源氏絵師屏風言葉書』は、江戸時代中期写とされる巻子本である。『源氏物語』五十四帖の本文を、一帖につき一箇所ずつ抜き書きしたもので、これに対応する源氏絵を屏風に描く目的で作成されたものと推察される。本文は、青表紙本系統の肖柏本に近い本文をもつ帖が複数あるが、東屋巻は河内本系統の前田家本の影響も認められる。また、本書が示す源氏絵の図柄を推定すると、『源氏物語』承応三年版本の挿絵に包含される。, Genji Edokoro Kotobagaki is book in scroll style and it was copied in the middle of Edo era. This book was made to draw a picture of The Tale of Genji on the screen. It is some extracts of the sentence of "The Tale of Genji". The text has multiple volumes with texts similar to Syouhaku-bon of the Aobyoushi-bon series. We understood that the text of "The Tale of Genji" accorded with Syouhaku-bon. But the influence of the Maedake-bon of the Kawachi-bon series is also recognized for Azumaya-no-maki. In addition, the pattern of the Genji picture which the text of this book shows is included in a cut of "The Tale of Genji" published for Shoo era three years., 資料紹介, application/pdf}, pages = {130--120}, title = {同志社大学文化情報学部蔵『源氏絵所屏風言葉書』翻刻と考察(匂宮巻~夢浮橋巻)}, volume = {16}, year = {2021}, yomi = {フクダ, トモコ and マツモト, ヒロヤ and オハラ, ナナコ and セキ, アカリ and セツ, エンシ} }