@phdthesis{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00028178, author = {Hajjaj, Mohammed Awad}, month = {2021-05-17}, note = {本論文は,知的照明システムの改良に関わるものであり,従来の課題であった色温度の実現精度の向上と高価な色温度センシング機材を無くす方法ならびにそれらの最適制御法,これまで不明であったシステムがもたらす省エネルギー性に関する詳細な解析方法を提案し,これらの提案手法の有効性を検証するため新たに改良した知的照明システムを用いて実験を行い,それらの手法の有効性を確認した., An advanced intelligent lighting system has been proposed and introduced to provide a comfortable personal lighting environment for the workplace using the evaluation and biological information of workers. The research studies the appropriate perspectives of using the intelligent lighting system as a solution of the smart design in the office workspace. In the first part, the research paper has utilized the computerized system and the optimization method to generate the lighting automatically instead of using the sensing devices. The second part is related to energy consumption. The illuminance has been distributed based on the individual preference available of each user inside the office., application/pdf}, title = {Advanced intelligent lighting system for boosting personal comfort and energy saving of workspaces}, year = {} }