@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027810, author = {Osono, Takashi and 大園, 享司}, issue = {3}, journal = {同志社大学ハリス理化学研究報告, The Harris science review of Doshisha University}, month = {Oct}, note = {オーストラリア北東部の熱帯降雨林は多様な植物・動物の住み場所である。それらの生物はゴンドワナ大陸に起源を持ち、希少で絶滅の危機に瀕している。本稿ではオーストラリア熱帯降雨林の生物多様性を、植生と菌類に注目して紹介する。植物の分類学的な多様性と独自性、ならびに熱帯降雨林の進化史・保全における重要性を簡潔に記述し、熱帯降雨林の動態をサイクロンと病原菌が引き起こす撹乱の点から検討する。葉リターの分解に関与する菌類の生態と多様性に関する一連の研究を要約し、菌類多様性に関する今後の研究課題について議論する。, Wet tropics rainforests of north-eastern Australia are outstanding as a home for a wide range of plant and animal lineages and communities with ancient origins in Gondwana that are rare and threatened. This review introduces the biodiversity of tropical rainforests in Australia with special reference to vegetation and fungi. The taxonomic diversity and uniqueness of plants and the importance of tropical rainforests from the point of evolutionary history and conservation are briefly documented, and the dynamics of tropical rainforests is explored in terms of disturbances caused by cyclones and pathogens. Studies on the ecology and diversity of fungi associated with the decomposition of leaf litter are briefly summarized, and future research directions regarding the fungal diversity are discussed., application/pdf}, pages = {143--153}, title = {オーストラリア熱帯降雨林の生物多様性}, volume = {61}, year = {2020}, yomi = {オオソノ, タカシ} }