@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027622, author = {Notohara, Yoshiyuki and 能登原, 祥之}, issue = {101}, journal = {同志社大学英語英文学研究, Doshisha studies in English}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study empirically describes canonical tense, aspect and modality (TAM) patterns with thirteen canonical constructions (CCs) through the spoken component of the International Corpus of English Great Britain Release 2 (ICE-GB R2) (2006). After considering canonical and grounded relationships between thirteen CCs and five TAM patterns, this study also discusses and presents three approaches to effective English CCs instruction through which second language (L2) learners (esp., with semantic mapping errors) could map CCs into their interlanguage appropriately and use English naturally without too much focus on forms referring to Keck and Kim's (2014) form-focused instruction continuum: explicit instruction, collaborative dialogue, and form-focused communicative or communication tasks., 龍城正明先生 秋篠憲一先生 中井悟先生 斉藤延喜先生 御退職記念号, Specially dedicated to Professor Masaaki Tatsuki, Professor Ken'ichi Akishino, Professor Satoru Nakai, and Professor Nobuyoshi Saito on their retirement, 論文(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {127--161}, title = {A collostructional approach to tense, aspect and modality patterns with canonical constructions in spoken English}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ノトハラ, ヨシユキ} }