@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027614, author = {大沼, 由布 and Onuma, Yu}, issue = {101}, journal = {同志社大学英語英文学研究, Doshisha studies in English}, month = {Mar}, note = {龍城正明先生 秋篠憲一先生 中井悟先生 斉藤延喜先生 御退職記念号, Specially dedicated to Professor Masaaki Tatsuki, Professor Ken'ichi Akishino, Professor Satoru Nakai, and Professor Nobuyoshi Saito on their retirement, 送る言葉(Tribute), application/pdf}, pages = {5--9}, title = {He was a verray, parfit gentil knyght : 秋篠憲一先生へ送る言葉}, year = {2020}, yomi = {オオヌマ, ユフ} }