@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00027470, author = {横井, 和彦 and Yokoi, Kazuhiko and 高, 明珠 and Gao, Mingzhu}, issue = {4}, journal = {經濟學論叢, Keizaigaku-Ronso (The Doshisha University economic review)}, month = {Mar}, note = {本論は、1914年に米国留学中の中国人学生により組織された中国科学社と、1916年に日本留学生に発起された中華学芸社という2つの学術団体を取り上げ、留学生政策と帰国留学生のパフォーマンスの間の因果関係を分析してみた。中国科学社と中華学芸社の創立者また早期の中堅社員の構成を見れば、「庚款留学」は中国人米国留学の質と量を引き上げる効果があったが、「五校特約」は中国人日本留学の質を引き上げる効果が明らかであった。, This article focuses on the relationship between international student policy and the performance of returned students in Chinese society by studying two comprehensive academic associations: the Science Society of China and the Science and Art Society of China, which were respectively organized by groups of Chinese students at Cornell University in 1914 and in Tokyo in 1916. We conclude that the Boxer Indemnity Scholarship Program boosted both the quality and quantity of Chinese students going to the United States to study and that the Special Treaty with five Japanese Schools improved the quality of Japanese-educated Chinese students., 研究ノート(Note), application/pdf}, pages = {783--820}, title = {民国初期における帰国留学生のパフォーマンスからみた留学生政策の効果(上) : 中国科学社と中華学芸社の比較を中心として}, volume = {66}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ヨコイ, カズヒコ and コウ, メイジュ} }