@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00026319, author = {植田, 篤史 and Ueda, Atsushi}, issue = {10}, journal = {同志社スポーツ健康科学, Doshisha Journal of Health & Sports Science}, month = {Jun}, note = {European College of Sport Scienceはヨーロッパのスポーツ健康科学の学会であるが、世界各国のスポーツ健康科学関連の研究者が集う。今回、私は、2017年7月5日~7月8日の4日間, ドイツのエッセンで開催されたEuropean College of Sport Scienceに参加した。本学会において、①「動作解析」のセッションでのポスター発表②他の研究発表の聴講を経験した。そこで、本学会での発表の経験や同分野の研究者の発表の聴講から得られた知見について取り上げた。, European College of Sport Science is a conference of sports health science in Europe and researchers of sports health science worldwide are supposed to gather. This time, I participated in the European College of Sport Science held in Essen, Germany, for 4 days from 5th July to 8th July 2017. At this conference, I experienced a poster presentation at the session of "Kinematic Analysis" ② Audition of other research presentations. Therefore, I picked up the experiences of presentation at this congress and the knowledge learned from attendance at researchers' presentations in the same field., 学会参加レポート(Report of participation), application/pdf}, pages = {28--29}, title = {22nd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science in Germany に参加して}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ウエダ, アツシ} }