@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00025123, author = {籔内, 佐斗司 and Yabuuchi, Satoshi}, issue = {2}, journal = {文化情報学, Journal of culture and information science}, month = {Mar}, note = {仏教がインドで発生し、西アジアから中央アジアに伝播し、東アジアを経て、わが国に伝わる2500年のあいだに、仏像の造形表現がどのように変化したかを、写真とイラストを交えながらわかりやすく解説するとともに、仏教哲学の本質を、この世の五つの構成要素である「五大」を絵解きで説明しながら、現代科学や哲学との比較を試み、だれもが「そうやったんか!」と理解できるように講義したものの要約である。, Buddhism was born in India, but over a period of 2,500 year it was gradually transmitted from west Asia, through central Asia to Japan and in this lecture I will employ illustrations to offer a simple explanation of the transformations that occurred in the expression of Buddhist deities during this period. I will also use pictures expressing the five elements (earth, water, fire, wind, void) to explain the essential philosophy of Buddhism, comparing it with contemporary science and philosophy in a way that is easy to understand, leading everybody to remark, 'That explains everything! Eureka!', 講演記録, 同志社大学文化情報学会講演会, application/pdf}, pages = {13--28}, title = {絵解き講座・仏像で知るユーラシアの文化 : そうやったんか!}, volume = {12}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ヤブウチ, サトシ} }