@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024793, author = {Umezu, Minoru and 梅津, 實}, issue = {6}, journal = {同志社法學, The Doshisha Hogaku (The Doshisha law review)}, month = {Mar}, note = {イギリス下院は1979年に特別委員会制度を導入した。しかし、これは必ずしも完全なものではなかった。というのは、委員会の多くが実際には院内幹事のコントロールの下におかれ、政府による政策の体系的な精査を困難にさせたからである。そこで、2000年代に労働党の改革派議会人、ロビン・クックとトニー・ライトが特別委員会の強化に立ちあがった。本稿はとくにこの二人の苦闘の跡をたどり、彼らのなした業績の再評価を試みる。, The departmental select committee of the British House of Commons was established in 1979. However, it was far from perfect, because most of the select committees were in practice directly controlled by the whips and were not able to systematically scrutinize the government policies. In the circumstance, two parliamentarians, Robin Cook and Tony Wright, challenged to strengthen the select committees in the 2000s. Both were Labour and forceful reformists during those days. This article explores the two reformer’s bitter struggle for the select committee reform and reassesses their achievements., 論説(Articlel), application/pdf}, pages = {1841--1884}, title = {イギリス下院特別委員会の改革 : 一九七九年以降の軌跡をたどって}, volume = {66}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ウメズ, ミノル} }