@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024095, author = {Yanagita, Masahiko and 栁田, 昌彦}, issue = {8}, journal = {同志社スポーツ健康科学, Doshisha Journal of Health and Sports Science}, month = {Jun}, note = {全国の聾学校,聴覚支援学校,特別支援学校(難聴学級)で,武道を「実施している」と回答したのは83.6%であった.実施種目については,「剣道」が45.9%で一番多く,次いで「柔道」19.7%,「相撲」8.2%の順で,「その他」11.5%であった.「剣道」が多く採用されていた理由は,コンタクトプレーが比較的少ないため頭部への衝撃が少ないことと,「日本剣道形」があることなどであった.指導を行う際に一番重視している点は,「安全性」(36.1%),「礼法」(27.9%),「基本動作」(24.6%),「技ができる楽しさ・喜び」(4.9%)の順であった., The purpose of this study was to survey present status of Budo as a required subject at special support school for the deaf in Japan. In 61 schools, 51 schools (83.6%) carried out Budo, but 5 schools (8.2%) did not, 4 schools (6.6%) were under examination. "Kendo" was adopted most in 45.9%, "Judo" was in 19.7%, "Sumo" was in 8.2% and "others" were in 11.5%. As the most important point during instruction of Budo, "safety" was most in 36.1 "bows" was in 27.9%, "basic movement" was in 24.6%, "pleasure & joy" was in 4.9%., 報告(Report), application/pdf}, pages = {42--47}, title = {全国の特別支援学校における武道必修化に伴う授業展開の現状と課題 : 聴覚障害者に対する教授法に着目して}, year = {2016}, yomi = {ヤナギタ, マサヒコ} }