@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00024094, author = {石原, 達朗 and Ishihara, Tatsuro and 海老根, 直之 and Ebine, Naoyuki}, issue = {8}, journal = {同志社スポーツ健康科学, Doshisha Journal of Health and Sports Science}, month = {Jun}, note = {ヒューマンカロリメーターを用いて氷菓を摂取させた際に生じる代謝亢進を包括的に評価し,低温・低カロリー食物の摂取がエネルギー出納バランスを負に傾ける行動となりうるか検討した.自作した低カロリー氷菓(3 kcal, 250 g)と咀嚼せずに摂取できる同量同成分の常温コントロールを試験食に設定し,クロスオーバーデザインで実験を行った.コントロールを摂取させた場合に生じた代謝亢進は2.6±1.3 kcal,氷菓を摂取させた場合には16.2±4.2 kcalであり,低カロリー氷菓の摂取は消費優位な行動であることが明らかとなった., We measured overall enhanced energy expenditure (EE) after the ingestion of a low caloric beverage in different temperature states, either liquid or solid. Observation was conducted by the use of a metabolic chamber where EE such as chewing, diet-induced thermogenesis were evaluated. As a result, the ingestion of control liquid increased EE by 2.6 ± 1.3 kcal, whereas the ingestion of ice cubes increased EE 16.2 ± 4.2 kcal, when both energy intakes were 3 kcal. In conclusion, energy consumes greater than the actual calorie intake in the case when low caloric beverage is ingested in a solid state rather than in a liquid state., 原著(Original investigation), application/pdf}, pages = {37--41}, title = {氷菓摂取による代謝亢進の包括的評価}, year = {2016}, yomi = {イシハラ, タツロウ and エビネ, ナオユキ} }