@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023949, author = {田口, 哲也 and Taguchi, Tetsuya}, issue = {1-2}, journal = {文化情報学, Journal of culture and information science}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿はアメリカの対抗文化の旗手のひとりであり、20 世紀後半のアメリカ文化に大きな影響を与えたケネス・レクスロスの思想が芸術表現にどのように反映されて来たかを内外の資料や同時代に生きた芸術家からの証言などをもとにして明らかにしていく。今回は日本文化の影響や現代における再評価の必要性について記述する。, In this article I discussed how the ideas of Kenneth Rexroth, the most important American poet as well as the mover and shaker of the counterculture, contributed to the development of modern artistic expressions. I examined Rexroth's influence on American culture in the latter half of the 20th century and tried to prove how Rexroth changed not only people's way of saying but also their way of living, using various materials discovered so far both in and outside Japan. I also discussed the influence of Japanese culture on him and how he absorbed Japanese culture in order to have another development as an artist. I found it vital to re-evaluate the role Rexroth played for the construction of the idealized art and society in the 21st century., 北尾謙治先生追悼号, 研究ノート, application/pdf}, pages = {2--8}, title = {ポスト・白人文化の創作原理 : ケネス・レクスロスの人と生涯(1)}, volume = {10}, year = {2015}, yomi = {タグチ, テツヤ} }