@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023646, author = {楊, 瓊 and Yang, Qiong}, issue = {19}, journal = {同志社日本語研究, Doshisha studies in Japanese linguistics}, month = {Sep}, note = {本稿では、『万葉集』における「ゆゑ」を用いた歌を取り上げ、特に逆接の意味に解釈されることがある歌を再検討することを通して、上代の「ゆゑ」の文法的性格を考える。上代の「ゆゑ」は、「ため」と同様に目標を示すことができる点で、中古以降の「ゆゑ」より用法上の広がりをもつことを述べる。「ゆゑ」が逆接に解釈される歌においては、「ゆゑ」が実質名詞の性格を帯び、未だ因果関係を表す論理的な接続表現となっておらず、偶然的原因を示すにとどまっていると考えられる。, This paper investigated the grammatical characteristic of the word of “Yuwe” from the poetry book “Manyoshu”, especially these poems in which “Yuwe” was usually explained as a contradictory conjunctive particle. However, here it was found that the “Yuwe” in the Jyodai time was sometimes used to say what the purpose of an action, which was rare for the Chuko time, as a substantial noun rather than a conjunctive particle for casual relationship., application/pdf}, pages = {1--11}, title = {上代の「ゆゑ」の性格}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ヤン, チョン} }