@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023596, author = {田中, 智子 and Tanaka, Tomoko}, issue = {64}, journal = {キリスト教社会問題研究, The Study of Christianity and Social Problems}, month = {Dec}, note = {1880年代における同志社大学設立義捐金募集の取扱窓口となった京阪神の新聞各紙の報道姿勢および拠金受付実態を分析した。京都の『中外電報』『日出新聞』は府下郡部からの義捐を集め、『大阪朝日新聞』は府下ではなく西日本一帯からの寄附を呼び込んだ。『大阪毎日新聞』は慶応義塾の運動への共感がより強く、『東雲新聞』は募金窓口というよりオピニオン紙に徹した。『神戸又新日報』には地元キリスト教界の動向がよく反映された。, This article analyzes the attitude and the achievements of the newspapers in Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe in the fundraising activities to establish Doshisha University in 1880s. "The Chugai Denpo" and "The Hinode Shimbun" accepted the donation from the rural district in Kyoto. "The Osaka Asahi Shimbun" accepted the donation not from the rural district in Osaka but widely from Western Japan. "The Osaka Mainichi Shimbun" expressed more sympathy with the activities of Keio. "The Shinonome Shimbun" was the opinion leader for Doshisha, but it didn't contribute to the fundraising. "The Kobe Yushin Nippo" had the connection with the Christians' movement in Kobe., 論説(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {1--46}, title = {同志社第一回「大学設立義捐金募集運動」 : 京阪神諸新聞社の報道にみる}, year = {2015}, yomi = {タナカ, トモコ} }