@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00023058, author = {柴田, 広志 and Shibata, Hiroshi}, issue = {3}, journal = {社会科学, The Social Science(The Social Sciences)}, month = {Nov}, note = {セレウコス朝アンティオコス3世治世初期の、有力王族・(小)アカイオスの反乱を論じた。最初に、セレウコス3世暗殺直後の軍によるアカイオス推戴から、当該時期には王位継承は王家直系に限定されなかったことを指摘した。その後のアカイオスの反乱から、当初から彼が抱いていた王位への野心と、王族による分権的支配というセレウコス朝の統治構造の問題点を示した。最後に、アカイオスの反乱失敗の理由として、バルバロイ(蛮族)集団に対する軍事功績の欠如を主張した。, This paper examines the usurpation of a powerful Seleukid royal member Achaios the Minor in the early reign of Antiochos III. First, his army's offer of diadem toward Achaios immediately after Seleukos III's assassination suggests that the opportunity of enthronement was not limited to the legitimate line of royal family. Second, his later rebel testifies his ambition toward the throne since the beginning. Simultaneously it reveals the problem of Seleukids' governing system, which feature was royal members' collective control over the vast kingdom. Lastly, the failure of Achaios' usurpation derived from, not only the position in the Seleukid royal family, but also the former's lack of military achievement over the barbarians., 論説(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {93--114}, title = {小アカイオスの反乱 : セレウコス朝の統治構造と王権確立の課題}, volume = {44}, year = {2014}, yomi = {シバタ, ヒロシ} }