@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022989, author = {奥田, 以在 and Okuda, Iari}, issue = {4}, journal = {經濟學論叢, Keizaigaku-Ronso (The Doshisha University economic review)}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿は、近代京都におけるインフラ整備事業であった三大事業のひとつ、道路拡幅および電気軌道敷設事業(=道路拡築事業)が、当該地域の「町」という伝統的な地域住民組織に与えた影響を考察したものである。インフラ整備は都市機能を拡充する一方で、周辺地域の社会構造を変化させ、時に破壊するという側面も持つ。本稿では、後者の側面に着目し、京都市中京区手洗水町を事例として、インフラ整備の持つ負の側面を明らかにした。, This study focuses on the drawbacks of the construction of infrastructure. The construction of infrastructure is essential to life in a modern city; however, it can also destroy traditional ways of life in the surrounding areas. As such, this study looks to clarify the impact of infrastructure improvements on the cho, the basic town unit in Japan, in modern Kyoto. Following its construction, many banks established branches in Tearaimizu-cho, making it the financial center of modern Kyoto. However, these changes brought about not only a decrease in its population, and but also changed the financial footing of the very important traditional festival of Tearaimizu-cho. Ultimately, Tearaimizu-cho was consolidated so as to form senji-chonaikai, a WWII neighborhood association., 論説(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {1280--1250}, title = {京都市三大事業と町財政 : 烏丸通拡築事業と手洗水 (てあらいみず) 町}, volume = {64}, year = {2013}, yomi = {オクダ, イアリ} }