@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022982, author = {川満, 直樹 and Kawamitsu, Naoki}, issue = {4}, journal = {經濟學論叢, Keizaigaku-Ronso (The Doshisha University economic review)}, month = {Mar}, note = {本稿で取り上げるビボジー財閥は、1960年代に発展してきた財閥である。ビボジーの経営を担っているのはハタック家である。ハタック家はパキスタンで名家として知られている。なぜなら1947年のパキスタン誕生以来、同家はパキスタンにおいて影響力のある軍人および政治家などを輩出してきたからである。本稿では、ビボジー財閥の形成と発展過程ならびにハタック家とビボジー財閥傘下企業の関係などについて検討し、その特徴を明らかにしたい。, The goal of this study is to clarify the qualities and characteristics of the Bibojee Group's ownership and management. The Bibojee Group was developed in the 1960s and is managed by the Khattak family, a prominent family in Pakistan. The Khattak family is known for its qualities of producing many politicians, and many of its members have joined the military. The Bibojee Group was founded by Lt. General Habibullah Khan of the Khattak family, and following his retirement from the army, he became an affluent businessman. Subsequently, the Bibojee Group has undertaken business in the textile and automobile industries. Its involvement in the automotive industry, in particular, has related to the manufacture of trucks and buses, and the Bibojee Group has created joint ventures with Japanese manufacturers in these areas., 論説(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {1173--1199}, title = {パキスタン財閥の所有と経営に関する一考察 : ビボジー財閥のケースを中心に}, volume = {64}, year = {2013}, yomi = {カワミツ, ナオキ} }