@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022953, author = {小藤, 弘樹 and Kofuji, Hiroki}, issue = {2}, journal = {經濟學論叢, Keizaigaku-Ronso (The Doshisha University economic review)}, month = {Sep}, note = {この論文では、純粋公共財が立地選択に与える影響について調べる。モデルでは、公共財を生産できる地域とできない地域からなる経済を想定し、規模の経済と財の多様性への嗜好が集積の経済を生み出す。このモデルは、住民による公共財の評価が集積の経済を強めることもあれば、弱めることもあること、そしてすべての経済活動が一方の地域に集積しない内点解を持つことを示す。比較静学的な分析も行う。, This paper discusses the effect of pure public goods on migration. In our model, there are two regions—the public good is produced in only one, but all inhabitants can consume it, and agglomeration economies are driven by scale economies and love-of-variety. This model shows that the public sector increases/decreases agglomeration economies according to the inhabitants' evaluation of public goods, as well as the existence of interior equilibria where neither region captures all economic activities. This paper also analyzes the comparative static properties of these stable equilibria., 論説(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {453--466}, title = {公共財と立地選択}, volume = {64}, year = {2012}, yomi = {コフジ, ヒロキ} }