@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022839, author = {西村, 卓 and Nishimura, Takashi}, issue = {3}, journal = {經濟學論叢, Keizaigaku-Ronso (The Doshisha University economic review)}, month = {Dec}, note = {明治9(1976)年8月に、京都府乙訓郡の1つの村=上植野村で玄米窃盗未遂事件が発生した。同村は、近世以来、畿内非領国の1つの特徴である、多くの領主が所領とする「相給」村で、かつ独特な水利慣行を維持してきた村であり、自治的で平準的な村柄を特徴とする村であった。そういった村内で、村人が起こした事件に対して、村は当時の法を受け入れつつも、村として事件の「犯人」とその家族を救済するために、家族の「必至難渋」を伝えることにより、憐憫の処分を強く訴えるのである。この事件は、明治維新以降の近代化の過程のなかでも、村の自治=相互扶助性が強く維持されていることを示す事例である。, In August 1876, an attempted theft took place in Kamiueno village in Kyoto prefecture of Japan. This village had two distinguishing features. The first was that this village was the territory of many lords during the Edo era. The second was that the village had its own system of water supply. Both characteristics indicate that this village was self-governed and created equality among the people in the village. During the trial, the village appealed to the court of justice to show leniency to the culprit. This incident shows that a village could be self-governed and reciprocal help among village people strongly after the Meiji Restoration., 論説(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {456--438}, title = {「盗難」と村の救済 : 明治九(一八七六)年に発生した「玄米窃盗未遂事件」}, volume = {63}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ニシムラ, タカシ} }