@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022817, author = {奥田, 以在 and Okuda, Iari}, issue = {3}, journal = {經濟學論叢, Keizaigaku-Ronso (The Doshisha University economic review)}, month = {Dec}, note = {本稿は、近代京都における町自治の変容について、特に担い手の変化から明らかにしたものである。本稿の対象となる六角町では、大正8(1919)年に同町で起きた紛擾によって、伝統的な家持を中心とした自治から、借家人を含めた住民全体による住民自治へと変容する。しかし、その住民自治は、昭和初めの金融恐慌や世界恐慌に端を発する京都の経済不況を背景に、町自治運営の上でいくつかの問題を抱え、定住性を基礎とする「適任者」による自治へと担い手を変えることになるのである。, This paper focuses on the autonomy of "Yamahoko-chou," a community-based organization in Kyoto, in the modern era. In July 1919, a conflict occurred between the house-owners and the tenants of "Rokkaku-chou." This brought about a change in the traditional system of autonomy, and management by house-owners was replaced with a new system of management by the residents. However, the new system does not work with some functions of autonomy. Because of this malfunction of autonomy and the depression of Kyoto in the late 1920s, there emerged another system of autonomy, "tekininsya-jichi," which was very similar to the traditional system., 研究ノート(Note), application/pdf}, pages = {368--338}, title = {近代京都山鉾町における町自治 : 住民自治から「適任者」自治へ}, volume = {62}, year = {2010}, yomi = {オクダ, イアリ} }