@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022740, author = {東, 善一 and Azuma, Yoshikazu and 森原, 徹 and Morihara, Toru and 松井, 知之 and Matsui, Tomoyuki and 瀬尾, 和弥 and Seo, Kazuya and 平本, 真知子 and Hiramoto, Machiko and 来田, 宣幸 and Kida, Noriyuki and 山田, 陽介 and Yamada, Yosuke and Nakamura, Yasuo and 中村, 康雄 and Hojo, Tatsuya and 北條, 達也 and 堀井, 基行 and Horii, Motoyuki and 久保, 俊一 and Kubo, Toshikazu}, issue = {6}, journal = {同志社スポーツ健康科学, Doshisha Journal of Health and Sports Science}, month = {Jun}, note = {投球障害は投球側下肢関節機能低下によって引き起こされることも多く,下肢関節機能の評価は重要である.しかし,投球動作中の下肢における経時的な筋活動パターンは不明なため,筋電図と三次元動作解析装置を用いて検討した.大腿筋膜張筋と中殿筋の筋活動は並進運動直前にピークを示した.長内転筋と大腿直筋の筋活動は非投球側下肢の接地直後にピークを示した.長内転筋は過剰な並進運動の制動と,骨盤の回旋に作用すると考えられる., The evaluation of lower extremity function is important for throwing disorders. The purpose of this study was to investigate the muscle activation patterns around hip during pitching motion by three-dimensional motion analysis system synchronized with surface electromyography. The timing of peak tensor fasciae latae and gluteus medius activities was before maximum knee elevation of non-dominant lower extremity in wind-up phase. The timing of peak adductor longus(AL) and rectus femoris(RF) activities was immediately after non-dominant foot contact. This study suggested that AL could put a brake on moving body to the catcher excessively and help the pelvis rotating in the direction of throwing., application/pdf}, pages = {24--28}, title = {投球動作における投球側股関節周囲筋の経時的な筋活動パターンについて}, year = {2014}, yomi = {アズマ, ヨシカズ and モリハラ, トオル and マツイ, トモユキ and セオ, カズヤ and ヒラモト, マチコ and キダ, ノリユキ and ヤマダ, ヨウスケ and ナカムラ, ヤスオ and ホウジョウ, タツヤ and ホリイ, モトユキ and クボ, トシカズ} }