@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022512, author = {小田切, 明徳 and Otagiri, Akinori}, issue = {62}, journal = {キリスト教社会問題研究, The Study of Christianity and Social Problems}, month = {Dec}, note = {『北郷談』とは明治初期に岡山県出身の神官・葵川信近が著わしたものであり、江戸末から明治期の動乱にあってキリスト教を始めとする西洋文化の到来によりどう対応すべきかを述べたものである。私は70年代後半、このテーマに取り組んだが、その論文を振り返ると、葵川信近の奈良時代の経歴調べにおいて重大な誤認があることがわかり、驚き、再調査するため、奈良と岡山に出かけ、再考した。, Hokukyodan is a work written in the early Meiji period by Aoigawa Nobuchika, a Shinto priest from Okayama Prefecture. It tells how to deal with the Western cultures like Christianity, introduced during the upheavals from the late Edo to the early Meiji era. Once I was engaged in this study in the late seventies. Having reexamined such papers, now I find my misunderstanding of his career in Nara. My surprise was so great and it led me to visit Nara and Okayama; to reconsider this theme., エッセイ(Essay), application/pdf}, pages = {227--236}, title = {『北郷談』を訪ねて}, year = {2013}, yomi = {オタギリ, アキノリ} }