@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00022178, author = {Miyatake, Yoshiyuki and 宮武, 慶之}, issue = {1}, journal = {文化情報学, Journal of culture and information science}, month = {Mar}, note = {江戸時代初期に活躍した将軍・徳川家光の茶道指南役である小堀遠州は、その才能を茶の湯だけでなく、造園や築城でも開花させた人物である。遠州は、茶の湯を古田織部に学び、その織部は利休に学んだ。利休はそれまで足利将軍家で唐物を尊重する格式高い台子の点前を簡略化させた人物として名高い。利休から織部、遠州へと受け継がれた台子の点前も、このような性格のものであった事が容易に想像できる。本稿では、遠州筆とされる「台子八段飾之次第」を翻刻したものである。筆跡からも明らかなように、写本であるが、このような写本が存在する背景には、流儀としての茶の湯が流行することにより、流儀内での“許しもの"として、依然、台子の点前が格式高い扱いを受けていた事を物がったているようにも思える。, Enshu Kobori who is the tea ceremony instructor of an active general and the Tokugawa family light is the people in the beginning of Edo period who made the talent flower because of not only the tea ceremony but also landscape gardening and the fortification. Enshu learnt the tea ceremony to Oribe Furuta. The Oribe learnt to Rikyu. Status high that esteems Tang Dynasty thing in past Daisu Ashikaga family of a general. Famous as the person who simplifies the front of the point of this Daisu is Rikyu. The thing that is the one of such a character is easily imaginable in front of the point of succeeded Daisu from Rikyu to Oribe and Enshu. It is the one that "Daisu-Hachidann-no-Kazari-no-Shidai" made an Enshu brush was reprinted in this text. From handwriting to transcript like clearness Some answers are led when thinking about the background where such a transcript exists. It was that the tea ceremony as the method had become popular. This existed as "Yurushimono" in the method. And, a high treatment of the status had been received., 資料紹介, application/pdf}, pages = {83--77}, title = {伝小堀遠州筆 臺子八段餝之次第}, volume = {6}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ミヤタケ, ヨシユキ} }