@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021975, author = {姜, 元鳳 and Kang, Wonbong}, issue = {4}, journal = {社会科学, The Social Science(The Social Sciences)}, month = {Feb}, note = {戦後日本の代表的な朝鮮史研究者である梶村秀樹は,1970〜80年代の日韓関係を「日韓体制」と名づけたように,同時期の韓国の経済発展を日本との垂直的分業体制を基盤とする従属的近代化と捉えた。梶村は,非人間的な韓国民衆の労働環境の上に維持されている日本社会を批判した。また彼は,朴政権の近代化思想が日本近代の国家主義的近代化思想と通底しており,その特徴はベトナム派兵を推進するなかで克明に現れていると見た。梶村は,咸錫憲が提示した日本をも救いの対象に含める韓国民衆の「弱肉強食の世界を平和を第一の価値とする世界に逆転させ,世界を救う世界史的使命」に注目しながら,「日韓体制」という先進-後進の近代的秩序の克服と先進国という既得権を捨てるような,生き方の根本的な転換を模索した。, This paper focuses on one of the Japanese history professors, Hideki Kajimura (1935-1989), who researched Korea's modern and the post-war Japan history. He was the person who represented the Korean modern historical research through the theory of immanent development theory based on the awareness of issues of a postcolonial liberal. Furthermore, he was a social activist who defended the human rights of Koreans in Japan and was active in the practical activities. With respect to the Korea-Japan relationship in '70s and '80s, Hideki Kajimura viewed the economic relationship between Korea and Japan as a colonial relationship with the nature of the vertical division of labor system as presented under Japan-Korea system. Under the Japan-Korean system, the people of Korea worked under the system of a low-wage policy environment, through President Park's oppressive regime and were forced to survive the harsh living environment. However, even though the economic scale was fast-growing through modernization policies, the people faced the deconstructive labor environment that contradicted modernization., 論説(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {49--72}, title = {日韓体制下の民衆と「意味としての歴史」 : 梶村秀樹の韓国認識と歴史認識}, volume = {42}, year = {2013}, yomi = {カン, ウオンボン} }