@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021927, author = {岩月, 真也 and Iwatsuki, Shinya}, issue = {103}, journal = {評論・社会科学, Hyoron Shakaikagaku (Social Science Review)}, month = {Nov}, note = {本稿では,政治闘争であったと言われる勤評闘争下における現場教師たちの抵抗の源泉は何であったのかを,勤評闘争の発端である愛媛県下の現場教師たちの手記を中心的な資料として検討している。現場教師たちの手記を整理した結果,現場教師たちにとっての勤評闘争とは,現場教師たちから「差別昇給」と捉えられていた評価差による昇給差を職場に持ち込むことを否とする思想が闘争の源泉となり,「差別昇給」排除の闘争であったことが明らかとなった。, This paper examines fountain of teachers' resistance to "efficiency rating struggle" that has been referred to as political struggle. Data is based on the notes of teachers at the resistance scene in Ehime Prefecture which originated "efficiency rating struggle" in all over Japan. The teachers didn't regard the "efficiency rating struggle" as political struggle. In fact, the teachers regarded it as the resistance to "discriminatory rise in pay" which was generated from the difference of evaluation. Therefore, the "efficiency rating struggle" of the teachers in Ehime Prefecture was to exclude the "discrimination". We found that the thought to exclude the "discrimination" was the fountain of teachers' resistance to efficiency rating in Ehime Prefecture., 論文(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {89--113}, title = {勤評闘争下における愛媛県の教師たちの抵抗の源泉 : 職場の手記を手掛かりに}, year = {2012}, yomi = {イワツキ, シンヤ} }