@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021540, author = {Мельникова, И. and Melnikova, Irina}, issue = {2-3}, journal = {言語文化, Doshisha Studies in Language and Culture}, month = {Jan}, note = {レフ・トルストイと同志社初期世代の徳富蘇峰・横井時雄との交流をたどりながら、明治期キリスト教の歴史や日清戦争後の日本のマスメディアに構成された近代日本のイメージについて論じている。特に1896年 8月に徳富蘇峰がロシアでトルストイを訪問したエピソードと同年に行われた横井時雄とトルストイの手紙の遣り取りについて検討する。, The paper discusses the political circumstances and personal motives underlying the contacts of Tokutomi Soho and Yokoi Tokio with Tolstoy. The paper shows that the visit of Tokutomi Soho together with Fukai Eigo to Leo Tolstoy on October 8, 1896, was closely connected with his plans as an editor of the magazine The Far East promoting an attractive image of Japan in the West. The article also sheds light over the details of the first letter exchange of Tolstoy with the Japanese corespondent, Yokoi Tokio, in January 1896., 論文(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {191--208}, title = {Первые контакты Л.Н.Толстого с питомцами школы Досися}, volume = {14}, year = {2012} }