@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021470, author = {三井, 斌友 and Mitsui, Taketomo and ヤクブ, ダウダ グリブル and Yakubu, Dauda Gulibur}, issue = {3}, journal = {同志社大学理工学研究報告, The Science and Engineering Review of Doshisha University}, month = {Oct}, note = {先読み線型多段階法 (LALMM) のうち2段階法の族を定式化し,解析した.LALMM は常微分方程式の初期値問題に対する離散変数法の新たなクラスである.予測子・修正子の組み合わせから成る2つの4次2段階法を導出し,その A(Θ) 安定性を示している.導出された2段階法は,LALMM のさらなる発展の基礎を提供するものである., A family of two-step "look-ahead" linear multistep methods (LALMM) is formulated and analysed. LALMM is a new class of discrete variable methods for numerical solution of initial-value problem of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Two fourth-order pairs of predictor and corrector are derived and showed to be A(Θ)-stable. The obtained schemes provide the basis for futher developement of LALMM., application/pdf}, pages = {181--188}, title = {Two-step family of "Look-ahead" linear multistep method for ODEs}, volume = {52}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ミツイ, タケトモ} }