@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00021257, author = {Hojo, Tatsuya and 北條, 達也 and 木田, 圭重 and Kida, Yoshikazu and 松井, 知之 and Matsui, Tomoyuki and 瀬尾, 和弥 and Seo, Kazuya and 東, 善一 and Azuma, Yoshikazu and 平本, 真知子 and Hiramoto, Machiko and 山端, 志保 and Yamahata, Shiho and 清水, 長司 and Shimizu, Choji}, issue = {3}, journal = {同志社スポーツ健康科学, Doshisha Journal of Health and Sports Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {中学校硬式野球部の新入部員62名(入部前の 野球歴あり群41名・野球歴なし群21名)に対して,肘関節への超音波検査を併用した野球肘検診を実施し,その有用性を検討した。野球歴あり群42名のうち18名に内側の異常所見を,5名に外側の異常所見である上腕骨小頭の離断性骨軟骨炎(Osteochondritis dissecans; 以下OCD)を認めた。内側に検診時に圧痛を認めた症例は4例のみであり,超音波検査は内側型野球肘障害の既往も検出する。また,上腕骨小頭のOCD5名のうち4名は検診時に無症状であった。今回の結果から,超音波検査を用いた野球肘検診は早期に症状が発現しにくい外側型野球肘の早期診断に特に有用であると考える。, The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the baseball elbow medical check using sonography among junior high school baseball players. 62 new junior high school baseball players were participated. 41 players were experienced and 21 players were inexperienced students. Eighteen players were diagnosed as medial type of the baseball elbow in 41 experienced students where only 4 of them had the present tenderness of the elbow and 15 of them had past history of throwing pain of the elbow. As for lateral type of the baseball elbow, sonography showed that 5 of the experienced players had osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) of the capitellum where only one of them had present and past pain of the elbow. Medical check using sonography is useful for detecting baseball elbow injury, especially for detecting OCD., 原著(Original investigation), application/pdf}, pages = {1--5}, title = {中学校野球部新入部員に対する超音波検査を用いた野球肘検診}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ホウジョウ, タツヤ and キダ, ヨシカズ and マツイ, トモユキ and セオ, カズヤ and アズマ, ヨシカズ and ヒラモト, マチコ and ヤマハタ, シホ and シミズ, チョウジ} }