@techreport{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000212, author = {山口, 博司 and Yamaguchi, Hiroshi and 桑原, 拓也 and Kuwahara, Takuya and 大西, 雅志 and Ohnishi, Masashi}, month = {Jul}, note = {In the present study, we propose a method for realizing the thermo‐magnetic cycle with a gas‐liquid two‐phase flow by boiling a binary mixture of temperature sensitive magnetic fluid (TSMF) with an organic liquid of n‐hexane, which hasa lower boiling point. The boiling point of the fluid was adjusted below the boiling point of TSMF. From results of experiment, it was found that with the two‐phase flow, the driving force was highly enhanced by applying magnetic field, showing substantial decrease in spatial averaging magnetization by n‐hexane gas bubbles. Owing to sufficient magnetic driving force, it was observed that a self‐circulation state of the device is possible; yielding that the proposed binary mixture of TSMF enables to design the self‐circulation heat transport system by utilization of two‐phase flow, which can operate only with its own magnetic driving force provided from temperature difference., application/pdf}, title = {磁性流体を用いた熱輸送装置の圧力特性に関する研究}, year = {2004}, yomi = {ヤマグチ, ヒロシ and クワハラ, タクヤ and オオニシ, マサシ} }