@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020985, author = {土屋, 美穂 and Tsuchiya, Miho and 石原, 一成 and Ishihara, Kazunari and Yanagita, Masahiko and 栁田, 昌彦}, issue = {2}, journal = {同志社スポーツ健康科学, Doshisha Journal of Health and Sports Science}, month = {Mar}, note = {本研究では,働く中年主婦の肥満改善を目的として,体脂肪率が30%以上の中年肥満女性8名に対して,ダンベル体操,有酸素運動及びストレッチングを取り入れた包括的運動指導と低GI食と低エネルギー食を含む食事指導を3ヶ月間実施し,形態,血圧及び体力に及ぼす効果について縦断的に検討した.その結果,形態面については,体重,BMI,体脂肪量,体脂肪率,腹囲が有意に低下した.血圧については,収縮期血圧及び拡張期血圧が,いずれも低下する傾向が認められたが有意ではなかった.体力面については,握力,背筋力,上体起こし,連続上腕屈伸,椅子立ち上がりが,いずれも有意に向上した., The purpose of this study was to investigate the intervention effects of the comprehensive exercise training and the dietary instructions on obesity in middle-aged housewives with job. Eight subjects performed the training program consisted of light-dumbbell exercise, stretching and aerobic exercise and the dietary instructions for 3 months. After training, body weight, BMI, body fat mass, % fat and abdominal circumference were significantly reduced, but there was no change in lean body mass. We also detected no change in both systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. In physical strength, muscular power and muscle endurance were significantly improved., 原著(Original investigation), application/pdf}, pages = {[47]--53}, title = {働く中年主婦の肥満改善を目的とした包括的運動指導と食事指導の介入効果}, year = {2010}, yomi = {ツチヤ, ミホ and イシハラ, カズナリ and ヤナギタ, マサヒコ} }