@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020958, author = {クレイグ, ティム and Craig, Tim}, issue = {2}, journal = {言語文化, Doshisha Studies in Language and Culture}, month = {Dec}, note = {日本におけるワーク⋅ライフバランス(仕事と生活の調和)の議論と実態を調べました。ワーク⋅ライフバランスが日本で課題になっていてもいわゆる「もっといい」ワーク⋅ライフバランスへの進歩がなかなか見られません。バブル前の日本とバブル後の日本の社会と経済を比べました。日本人の、仕事と生活スタイルの選択と、その選択に影響を及ぼす要素とそれらの結果を、モデルにしました。結論の一つとして、文化の違いがあるが故に仕事自体が国によって違う意味を持っています。, This paper provides an overview of the debate around and current state of "work-life balance" in Japan. While work-life balance has become a topic of discussion in Japan, little progress has been made in the direction of "improved" work-life balance. Based on a comparison of pre-"bubble" and post-"bubble" Japan, a model is developed of the factors that influence, and the outcomes of, individuals' work-life choices. Influencing factors include specific economic, social, cultural, and demographic conditions, and changes in these conditions. Outcomes include efforts by government, companies, and individuals to improve work-life balance. Among other conclusions, the author argues that "culture matters," and that the meaning of work itself differs in Japan from that in other countries., 論文(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {[311]--344}, title = {Live to work or work to live? The search for work-life balance in 21st century Japan}, volume = {12}, year = {2009} }