@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020525, author = {川嶋, 四郎 and Kawashima, Shirou}, issue = {7}, journal = {同志社法學, The Doshisha Hogaku (The Doshisha law review)}, month = {Feb}, note = {民事訴訟法における報道関係者の証言拒絶権に関する十全の学説・判例が採用しいる基本的な利益衡量説を批判的に考察し、それに変わる憲法即応的な規範定立を行った。, This article aims to establish the new criteria and standard on the privilege of the press persons in the process of the trial of Civil procedure instead of the uncertain and unpredictable standard set by the predominant scholarships and the Supreme Court in Japan., 論説(article), application/pdf}, pages = {833--868}, title = {民事訴訟における報道関係者の「取材源黙秘権」に関する覚書}, volume = {60}, year = {2009}, yomi = {カワシマ, シロウ} }