@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:00020133, author = {シェンキング, J.チャールズ and Schencking, J.Charles and 小出, 輝章 and Koide, Teruaki}, issue = {3}, journal = {同志社法學, The Doshisha Hogaku (The Doshisha law review)}, month = {Sep}, note = {書評(Book Review), 書評の著者:シェンキング, J.チャールズ, 書評の訳者:小出 輝章, application/pdf}, pages = {365--375}, title = {From Mahan to Pearl Harbor: The Imperial Japanese Navy and the United States : By Sadao Asada.(麻田 貞雄).Annapolis, Md., Naval Institute Press, 2006.(xii + 387pp. ISBN 1-55750-042-8 $36.95)}, volume = {59}, year = {2007}, yomi = {コイデ, テルアキ} }