@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000414, author = {和田, 充弘 and Wada, Mitsuhiro}, issue = {1}, journal = {同志社教師教育研究, Doshisha teacher education research}, month = {Feb}, note = {著者の見解では,①日本の伝統社会における識字が書き言葉としての変体漢文を採用するところから,教育における訓練と習熟の必要を生じたが,近世の寺子屋において,その到達度には差異がみられた。②近世日本におけるリテラシーの構造について,代表的な文字文化の世界が上位に,実務的な文書操作の世界が下位にあり,寺子屋は後者の準備過程に位置づけることができる。③ほとんどの人が読み書きできるようになるのは,近代学校教育の成果だが,それは近世の識字とは質を異にするものであった。これをうけて評者は,個別の寺子屋では教育水準の格差が明らかだが,寺子屋教育の共通化傾向の中には,近世的な普通教育への志向がみられたことを指摘する。, In the author's opinion, (1) Literacy in traditional Japanese society adopted variant Chinese as a written language, which created the need for training and mastery in education, but there are differences in the level of attainment in early modern terakoya. (2) Regarding the structure of literacy in early modern Japan, the world of typical written culture was at the top, and the world of practical document manipulation was at the bottom, and terakoya could be positioned in the preparation process for the latter. (3) The ability of most people to read and write is a result of modern school education, but the quality of this was different from early modern literacy. In response to this, commentators point out that although there are clear disparities in educational standards among individual terakoya schools, the tendency to standardize terakoya education reflects an early modern orientation towards general education., 書評(Book Review), application/pdf}, pages = {58--60}, title = {書評 八鍬友広著『読み書きの日本史』}, year = {2024}, yomi = {ワダ, ミツヒロ} }