@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000409, author = {井上, 浩史 and Inoue, Hiroshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {同志社教師教育研究, Doshisha teacher education research}, month = {Feb}, note = {昨今の子どもたちを取り巻く状況に対応するために,2022年に「生徒指導提要」(文部科学省, 2022b)が改訂された。基本的な考え方として,生徒指導は児童生徒を主語とし,教職員はその成長や発達を支える教育の専門性を持った支援者であると位置づけられた。そして,児童生徒の自己指導能力の獲得を支える生徒指導において留意する実践上の4つの視点が示された。また,日常の生徒指導を基盤とする「発達支持的生徒指導」,課題未然防止教育と課題早期発見対応の「課題予防的生徒指導」,深刻な課題への切れ目のない指導・援助を行う「困難課題対応的生徒指導」の生徒指導における2軸3類4層の重層的支援構造が示された。今後の方向性は,全校体制で取り組む全ての児童生徒の成長や発達を支える生徒指導への転換,授業での学びを将来社会で充実して生きることにつなげるために学習指導と生徒指導の一体化,学校内の教職員間の連携・協働はもちろん,学校外の関係機関等との連携・協働を一層強化する生徒指導体制の構築である。, In 2022, the "Seito Sidou Teiyou (Summary of Guidance and Counseling)" issued by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology underwent revisions to address the evolving landscape surrounding today's children. As a basic thought, the subject of "Guidance and Counseling" is students, and the school staff is placed as the education specialty to support students' growth and development. Moreover, four viewpoints in the practice to note in the "Guidance and Counseling" to support acquisition of self-teaching ability instruction of the child student were shown. This guidance framework for students encompasses a layered support structure with two axes, three categories, and four levels: "Developmental Supportive Guidance and Counseling" rooted in everyday guidance and counseling, "Preventative Guidance and Counseling" aimed at averting issues and providing early intervention, and "Challenging Issue-oriented Guidance and Counseling" designed for continuous support in addressing significant challenges. The future direction entails a shift towards a comprehensive school-wide approach to support the growth and development of all students, integrating teaching and "Guidance and Counseling" to bridge classroom learning with future societal fulfillment, fostering collaboration among school staff and strengthening partnerships with external organizations and agencies to establish a more robust guidance and counseling system., 展望論文(Review Article), application/pdf}, pages = {25--32}, title = {これからの生徒指導}, year = {2024}, yomi = {イノウエ, ヒロシ} }