@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000362, author = {森田, 喜基 and Morita, Yoshiki}, issue = {72}, journal = {キリスト教社会問題研究, The Study of Christianity and Social Problems}, month = {Jan}, note = {本稿は1895(明治28)年10月22日から24日に奈良・菊水楼にて開催された日本組合基督教会教役者会において満場一致で可決がなされた「奈良大会宣言書」と呼ばれる「日本組合基督教会教役者大会宣言書」に含まれる家庭論について注目する。宣言書に署名した牧師たちが、当時の社会に対して、何を語ろうとしたのか、またその宣言文が出された意味について論じる。, This study examines the Japan Congregational Church Clergy Convention of 1895, where the Declaration of the Nara Convention was unanimously approved and signed. It investigates the Japan Congregational Church's pastors' perception of the complex relationship between the church and contemporary society focusing particularly on the church's publicly professed theory of family. Through an examination of the historical background and context, the circumstances surrounding the Japan Congregational Church at the time, and the significance of the declaration, this study sheds light on the convention's historical context., 論説(Article), application/pdf}, pages = {1--34}, title = {日本組合基督教会「奈良大会宣言書」における家庭論}, year = {2024}, yomi = {モリタ, ヨシキ} }