@article{oai:doshisha.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000252, author = {塚本, 江美 and Tsukamoto, Emi}, issue = {60}, journal = {同志社アメリカ研究, Doshisha American studies}, month = {Mar}, note = {1970年代にアメリカで生まれた学問、かつ学際的な社会運動と解釈される批判的人種理論(Critical Race Theory、以下 CRT)が 2020年の大統領選挙を前に共和党およびその支持者らによって批判、攻撃の対象となり注目を浴びた。本稿はCRTとは何かを知るための重要な視点と現代の論争の実態を整理し、CRTを巡る現代の論争が持つ意義や人種関係の現在地を探究する。, Critical Race Theory (CRT), introduced as an academic concept and interdisciplinary social movement in the United States in the 1970s, was heavily criticized, attacked, and denied by Republicans and their supporters leading up to the 2020 presidential election. This paper examines the arguments within the culture war over CRT in the modern era. It focuses on the central concepts of CRT and reviews their backgrounds, important arguments, challenges, and advancements in the fights over racial division within CRT in modern times., 研究ノート(Research note), application/pdf}, pages = {25--39}, title = {批判的人種理論という現代の文化戦争}, year = {2024}, yomi = {ツカモト, エミ} }